3 Advanced Matching

There are some cases when the default behaviour of the split_by(), control_for(), and generate() functions won’t quite do what you want. This section explains some extra functions and functionality.

3.1 Non-Stimulus Splits

Sometimes it makes sense to use independent variables that are not related to features of the stimuli you present. For example, you may be interested in a possible difference between contexts or tasks (such as comparing Word Naming to Lexical Decision). In this case, it makes sense to use a within-subject design, but to present different stimuli in each context. These different stimuli should still be matched across contexts. This is possible with the split_random() function.

As an example, imagine we’re interested in a 2x2 interaction between the effect of words’ arousal ratings before and after a cup of coffee. We use split_random() to say that we want to create a random split in the data with two levels. Such a pipeline might look like this:

stim <- lexops |>
  split_random(2) |>
  split_by(AROU.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 6:8) |>
  control_for(Length, 0:0) |>
  control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.1:0.1) |>

This will create 4 conditions matched for length and frequency, where A1_B1 and A2_B1 are low arousal words, and A1_B2 and A2_B2 are high arousal words. Here are the first 5 items of each condition:

item_nr A1_B1 A1_B2 A2_B1 A2_B2 match_null
1 reverend dominate mahogany intimate A1_B1
2 basket cinema powder desire A2_B2
3 donkey lively weekly thrill A1_B2
4 scripture shipwreck magnesium meteorite A1_B1
5 handwriting pornography instruction persecution A2_B2

These stimuli could then be used in combination with a counter-balanced design, alternating which level of B has its stimuli presented before the coffee, and which after. Note that the split_random() function will also need its own random seed (seed = ...) to replicate a specific stimulus list.

3.2 Random Seeds

By default, the generate pipeline will produce new stimulus lists each time it is run. Often you’ll want your code to be reproducible, however. To do this, we can use a random seed.

In R, random seeds are usually set with the set.seed() function. The set.seed() function can be used with LexOPS to write reproducible pipelines, but will yield different results between LexOPS R code and the LexOPS shiny app, and might produce different results between versions. To ensure that pipelines created with R code can be reproduced in the shiny app (and vice versa), and across different versions, it is recommended to use the seed argument of the generate() function.

Setting the seed in the generate() function

The following code will generate the same stimulus list each time it is run:

stim <- lexops |>
  subset(PK.Brysbaert >= 0.9) |>
  split_by(CNC.Brysbaert, 1:2 ~ 4:5) |>
  split_by(BG.SUBTLEX_UK, 0:0.003 ~ 0.009:0.013) |>
  control_for(Length, 0:0) |>
  control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.2:0.2) |>
  generate(25, seed = 42)

Setting the seed in the split_random() function

If you use the split_random() function, this will also require a seed argument in order for the pipeline to be reproducible. This does not necessarily need to be the same as the seed value passed to generate(), but the shiny app will assume this is the case when translating Shiny options into R code. The following is an example of a reproducible pipeline that uses the split_random() function:

my_seed <- 42

stim <- lexops |>
  split_random(2, seed = my_seed) |>
  split_by(AROU.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 6:8) |>
  control_for(Length, 0:0) |>
  control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.1:0.1) |>
  generate(50, seed = my_seed)

3.3 Map Functions as Controls

Imagine you want to generate a list of stimuli, controlling for a value of similarity to the match null. This would be very difficult using the control_for() function. The problem is that the similarity values would need to be calculated n times, relative each word currently being used as a match null. The control_for_map() function tells LexOPS to recalculate the value to use as a control on each iteration of the generate() function, relative to a value associated with the string currently selected as a match null.

Example applications for this include controlling for orthographic or phonological similarity.

3.3.1 Orthographic Similarity

Here is an example, using control_for_map() to control for orthographic Levenshtein distance from the match null. We tell LexOPS to calculate Levenshtein distance using the stringdist() function from the package stringdist. By default, stringdist() will calculate the optimal string alignment metric. We can tell the function to calculate Levenshtein distance by passing method = "lv" to control_for_map(). This means that each string will be a distance of between 1 and 2 character insertions, deletions or replacements from the word used as the match null.

## Warning: package 'stringdist' was built under R version 4.4.2
stim <- lexops |>
  split_by(VAL.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 4.5:5.5 ~ 7:9) |>
  control_for_map(stringdist, string, 1:2, name="orth_dist", method="lv") |>

Here are the first 5 items of each condition that we generated. We get 3 levels of valence, with matched items that are orthographically similar to one another:

item_nr A1 A2 A3 match_null
1 casket aspect asset A3
2 dead dial real A2
3 cheater cleaver clever A2
4 sick lock silky A1
5 saggy foggy doggy A2

The name argument (name = …) of the control_for_map() function lets you give the name of the column that the calculated values should be stored as when the stimuli are in long format. From the code above, long_format(stim) will contain a column called “orth_dist”, containing the orthographic distances from the match null.

3.3.2 Phonological Similarity

We can use a similar pipeline to match by phonological similarity. Instead of giving the string column to the function, we just have to give a column where phonemes are represented by single letters. All the generated stimuli will be within a distance of between 0 and 2 phonemic insertions, deletions, or substitutions from the word used as the match null. For fun (and to show how control_for_map() can be combined with control_for()), let’s also control for rhyme.


stim <- lexops |>
  split_by(VAL.Warriner, 1:3 ~ 4.5:5.5 ~ 7:9) |>
  control_for_map(stringdist, eSpeak.br_1letter, 0:2, name="phon_dist", method="lv") |>
  control_for(Rhyme.eSpeak.br) |>

Here are the first 5 items of each condition that we generated. This time, all matched items are phonologically similar to one another:

item_nr A1 A2 A3 match_null
1 itchy missy lily A1
2 murder server giver A2
3 needy nerdy nightie A2
4 orphaned errand island A3
5 flu due zoo A3

3.3.3 Other Uses

The control_for_map() function can be used to control for any variable that needs to be calculated relative to the match null. The fun argument of control_for_map() should be a function that takes the data in the column contained in var as its first argument, and can take the match null’s value for var as the second argument, to return a vector of values for each entry. In addition, tol can be specified as it is in control_for(), as either a numeric tolerance, or categorical tolerance if the function outputs character vectors.

If you’re wanting to use control_for_map() on your own function or data, see this vignette on controlling for semantic relatedness. The function’s documentation in the package (?control_for_map) might also be useful. It might also be useful to look at the stringdist function, as control_for_map() was originally written with this style of function in mind.

3.4 Controlling for Euclidean Distance

The control_for() function lets you give specific tolerances for individual variables. Another method of matching items, however, is to control for Euclidean distance, weighting variables by their relative importance. This is possible with control_for_euc(). As an example, imagine we want to split by concreteness, and control for length, frequency, and age of acquisition. We might decide that length is the most important thing to match (ideally exact matching), followed by frequency and age of acquisition. This could be achieved like so:

stim <- lexops |>
    split_by(CNC.Brysbaert, 1:2 ~ 4:5) |>
        c(Length, Zipf.BNC.Written, AoA.Kuperman),
        name = "euclidean_distance",
        weights = c(1, 0.5, 0.1)
    ) |>

This method will generally be slower than standard LexOPS pipelines, but more flexible. You can also combine control_for_euc() and control_for() functions in your pipelines. For more information on controlling for Euclidean distance, and how to decide on tolerances, try the vignette on Euclidean distance.