Creating Custom Levels

Jack Taylor

By default, LexOPS will split by a single variable for each use of split_by(), and will create items for each factorial cell. For instance, splitting by arousal into 2 levels, and emotional valence into 3 levels, would result in 6 factorial cells. But what if we want to generate items for just 2 of these 6 factorial cells? We can do this by creating a factor/character vector column in our data which will represent suitability for each factorial cell. This vignette provides an example, where we want to compare high arousal, negative emotional words to low arousal neutral words.



Coding the New Column

We’ve decided we want our stimuli to have two conditions: high arousal, negative, and low arousal, neutral, according to Warriner et al. (2013).

Both arousal and valence are on 9-point Likert scales, so let’s imagine we decide on the following cut-offs:

Firstly we create the column that will contain the information about our conditions. An easy way to do this might be with dplyr’s case_when() function. We will call the new column, emo_cond, because I’m unimaginative.

dat <- lexops |>
  mutate(emo_cond = case_when(
    AROU.Warriner >= 6 & VAL.Warriner <= 3 ~ "arou_neg",
    AROU.Warriner <= 3 & between(VAL.Warriner, 4, 6) ~ "neutral",
    TRUE ~ "none"

Now let’s check our conditions’ locations on the distributions of arousal and valence ratings.

dat |>
  select(string, AROU.Warriner, VAL.Warriner, emo_cond) |>
  pivot_longer(cols = c(AROU.Warriner, VAL.Warriner), names_to = "Variable", values_to = "Value") |>
  mutate(emo_cond = fct_infreq(as.factor(emo_cond))) |>
  ggplot(aes(Value, fill = emo_cond)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.5) +
  facet_wrap(vars(Variable)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"))

We can also visualise the locations of our conditions in this 2D space.

dat |>
  mutate(emo_cond = fct_infreq(as.factor(emo_cond))) |>
  ggplot(aes(AROU.Warriner, VAL.Warriner, colour = emo_cond)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9"))

Generate Stimuli

Let’s imagine we decide those cut-offs are sensible. We can now generate matched stimuli, for only these two factorial cells.

stim <- dat |>
  split_by(emo_cond, "arou_neg" ~ "neutral") |>
  control_for(Length) |>
  control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.1:0.1) |>
  control_for(AoA.Kuperman, -1.5:1.5) |>
## Warning in split_by(dat, emo_cond, "arou_neg" ~ "neutral"): Column emo_cond is
## type character so will be treated as a factor.
## Warning in control_for(split_by(dat, emo_cond, "arou_neg" ~ "neutral"), : No
## tolerance given for numeric variable 'Length', will control for exactly.
## Generated 1/20 (5%). 1 total iterations, 1.00 success rate.
Generated 2/20 (10%). 2 total iterations, 1.00 success rate.
Generated 3/20 (15%). 9 total iterations, 0.33 success rate.
Generated 4/20 (20%). 10 total iterations, 0.40 success rate.
Generated 5/20 (25%). 12 total iterations, 0.42 success rate.
Generated 6/20 (30%). 17 total iterations, 0.35 success rate.
Generated 7/20 (35%). 18 total iterations, 0.39 success rate.
Generated 8/20 (40%). 19 total iterations, 0.42 success rate.
Generated 9/20 (45%). 21 total iterations, 0.43 success rate.
Generated 10/20 (50%). 22 total iterations, 0.45 success rate.
Generated 11/20 (55%). 23 total iterations, 0.48 success rate.
Generated 12/20 (60%). 26 total iterations, 0.46 success rate.
Generated 13/20 (65%). 27 total iterations, 0.48 success rate.
Generated 14/20 (70%). 28 total iterations, 0.50 success rate.
Generated 15/20 (75%). 40 total iterations, 0.38 success rate.
Generated 16/20 (80%). 54 total iterations, 0.30 success rate.
Generated 17/20 (85%). 59 total iterations, 0.29 success rate.
Generated 18/20 (90%). 61 total iterations, 0.30 success rate.
Generated 19/20 (95%). 62 total iterations, 0.31 success rate.
Generated 20/20 (100%). 63 total iterations, 0.32 success rate.

Here are the 20 words per factorial cell we generated.

item_nr A1 A2 match_null
1 deathly origami A1
2 terrorist consensus A1
3 terrify remover A2
4 epidemic conclude A1
5 kidnapper shoemaker A2
6 liar fold A2
7 thief shade A1
8 doomsday insignia A1
9 cannibal rephrase A1
10 suicide concept A1
11 rapist casing A2
12 frostbite stillness A2
13 asshole gradual A1
14 penitentiary incomparable A1
15 invasion suitable A2
16 bullshit hallmark A2
17 tragedy profile A2
18 poison holder A2
19 gunfire prairie A1
20 injustice limestone A2

Check Stimuli

We can use the plot_design() function to check the distributions of the variables we used to create the emo_cond column. This shows the expected differences between conditions A1 and A2, based on the method we used to create the new column.

plot_design(stim, c("AROU.Warriner", "VAL.Warriner"))