Using Data from Custom Sources

Jack Taylor

The built-in variables of LexOPS are useful but not exhaustive. Thankfully, LexOPS can work with any suitable list of features. For this example, we will join the Lancaster Sensorimotor norms to Engelthaler and Hills’ humour ratings, and the in-built LexOPS dataset (LexOPS::lexops). We can then use this to generate stimuli with a visual rating by humour interaction, controlling for length and frequency.



Importing Datsets

Importing Sensorimotor Norms

The Lancaster Sensorimotor Norms are available from the OSF page.

sensorimotor <- read_csv("")
## Rows: 39707 Columns: 45
## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (6): Word, Dominant.perceptual, Dominant.action, Dominant.sensorimotor,...
## dbl (39): Auditory.mean, Gustatory.mean, Haptic.mean, Interoceptive.mean, Ol...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Let’s have a quick peak at the data.

sensorimotor |>
Word Auditory.mean Gustatory.mean Haptic.mean Interoceptive.mean Olfactory.mean Visual.mean Foot_leg.mean Hand_arm.mean Head.mean Mouth.mean Torso.mean Auditory.SD Gustatory.SD Haptic.SD Interoceptive.SD Olfactory.SD Visual.SD Foot_leg.SD Hand_arm.SD Head.SD Mouth.SD Torso.SD Max_strength.perceptual Minkowski3.perceptual Exclusivity.perceptual Dominant.perceptual Max_strength.action Minkowski3.action Exclusivity.action Dominant.action Max_strength.sensorimotor Minkowski3.sensorimotor Exclusivity.sensorimotor Dominant.sensorimotor N_known.perceptual List_N.perceptual Percent_known.perceptual N_known.action List_N.action Percent_known.action Mean_age.perceptual Mean_age.action List#.perceptual List#.action
A 2.214286 0.0000000 0.4285714 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.428571 0.0000000 0.3571429 1.071429 0.3571429 0.0000000 2.259291 0.0000000 0.9376145 0.0000000 0.0000000 2.408775 0.0000000 1.336306 2.129077 1.3363062 0.0000000 2.428571 2.934085 0.4788732 Visual 1.071429 1.097256 0.6000000 Head 2.428571 2.984370 0.3541667 Visual 14 19 0.7368421 14 21 0.6666667 36.85714 35.57143 PN_Sample_250.csv MN_sample_250.csv
A CAPPELLA 4.333333 0.0000000 0.2222222 0.7222222 0.0000000 1.666667 0.3809524 0.4285714 2.714286 3.7142857 1.0000000 1.608799 0.0000000 0.5483189 1.3636265 0.0000000 1.909727 0.9734573 1.075706 1.901128 1.8477786 1.4491377 4.333333 4.420628 0.6240000 Auditory 3.714286 4.167341 0.4046243 Mouth 4.333333 5.414783 0.2854156 Auditory 18 19 0.9473684 21 21 1.0000000 35.72222 35.14286 PN_Sample_237.csv MN_sample_237.csv
AARDVARK 1.625000 0.5625000 1.6250000 0.0625000 1.2500000 4.125000 0.1764706 0.7058824 2.235294 0.0588235 0.0588235 1.784190 1.2632630 1.9278658 0.2500000 1.8797163 1.258306 0.5285941 1.311712 1.921244 0.2425356 0.2425356 4.125000 4.325018 0.4391892 Visual 2.235294 2.258902 0.6727273 Head 4.125000 4.521367 0.3256773 Visual 16 18 0.8888889 17 20 0.8500000 36.06250 40.82353 PN_Sample_505.csv MN_sample_505.csv
ABACK 1.294118 0.0588235 0.2941176 1.3529412 0.0000000 2.823529 0.0000000 0.0000000 3.272727 0.3636364 0.1818182 1.896204 0.2425356 0.9851844 1.8007351 0.0000000 2.007340 0.0000000 0.000000 1.902152 0.9244163 0.6030227 2.823529 3.006634 0.4848485 Visual 3.272727 3.274410 0.8571429 Head 3.272727 3.963989 0.3394343 Head 17 20 0.8500000 11 19 0.5789474 43.82353 42.54545 PN_Sample_365.csv MN_sample_365.csv
ABACUS 1.555556 0.1666667 3.7222222 0.2777778 0.1111111 3.944444 0.0000000 2.4736842 2.631579 0.1052632 0.0000000 1.616904 0.5144958 1.4061025 0.6691132 0.4714045 1.304843 0.0000000 2.269812 2.191157 0.3153018 0.0000000 3.944444 4.887248 0.3920455 Visual 2.631579 3.219225 0.5050505 Head 3.944444 5.314414 0.2631682 Visual 18 19 0.9473684 19 21 0.9047619 36.77778 34.63158 PN_Sample_606.csv MN_sample_606.csv

Importing Humour Norms

The Humour Norms are available from the Github Page.

humour <- read_csv("")
## Rows: 4997 Columns: 16
## ── Column specification ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
## Delimiter: ","
## chr  (1): word
## dbl (15): mean, sd, n, mean_M, sd_M, n_M, mean_F, sd_F, n_F, mean_young, sd_...
## ℹ Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
## ℹ Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.

Let’s have a look at this data too.

humour |>
word mean sd n mean_M sd_M n_M mean_F sd_F n_F mean_young sd_young n_young mean_old sd_old n_old
abbey 2.292683 1.1455109 41 2.176471 1.3800043 17 2.347826 0.9820524 23 2.391304 1.1961731 23 2.166667 1.098127 18
abode 2.413793 1.1185846 29 2.100000 0.9944289 10 2.578947 1.1697953 19 2.692308 1.1821319 13 2.187500 1.046821 16
abscess 1.593750 1.0429293 32 1.625000 1.1877349 8 1.583333 1.0179548 24 1.555556 1.0416176 18 1.642857 1.081818 14
absence 1.640000 0.9521905 25 1.615385 0.9607689 13 1.666667 0.9847319 12 1.571429 0.8516306 14 1.727273 1.103713 11
abstract 2.411765 1.2819882 34 1.933333 1.0327956 15 2.789474 1.3572418 19 2.421053 1.1212983 19 2.400000 1.502379 15

Joining Data Together

Firstly, we’ll rename the Word column to have a lowercase “w”, so it’s consistent with the sensorimotor norms. Then, since all the Lancaster norms’ words are in uppercase (whereas the Humour norms are in lowercase), we’ll then convert the Lancaster norms words to lowercase.

sensorimotor <- sensorimotor |>
  rename(word = Word) |>
  mutate(word = tolower(word))

Next, we will prefix all the features from the humour norms with “Humour.”, so they will be easily identifiable in the final dataset. We can use rename_at() and vars(-word) to add this prefix to all columns except the word column.

humour <- humour |>
  rename_at(vars(-word), ~paste("Humour", .x, sep="."))

Joining the data together is then easy with the dplyr join functions. Here we use full_join(), joining by the common column "word". Finally, we join the data to the lexops in-built dataset, as this contains features we can use to control for length and frequency. Since the words are stored in lexops in the string column, we tell left_join() that these columns should be treated as the same thing, with c("word"="string").

sens_hum <- full_join(sensorimotor, humour, by="word") |>
  left_join(lexops, by=c("word"="string"))

Generating Stimuli

Before we choose boundaries for our splits, we want to check the distributions of our independent variables.

sens_hum |> ggplot(aes(Visual.mean)) + geom_density()
sens_hum |> ggplot(aes(Humour.mean)) + geom_density()
sens_hum |> ggplot(aes(Visual.mean, Humour.mean)) + geom_point(alpha=0.5)

Finally, we can generate stimuli with our new words. We will create two levels of Visual ratings: 0:2 (low) and 3.5:5 (high), and two levels of Humour ratings: 2:2.5 (neutral, as consistently low humour ratings are often tabboo) and 3:5 (high). We’ll control for word length exactly, and word frequency within a tolerance of -0.2:0.2.

Since we’re using our own data, we need to use the set_options() function to tell LexOPS which column contains our unique identifier, i.e., our words (id_col = "word").

stim <- sens_hum |>
  set_options(id_col = "word") |>
  split_by(Visual.mean, 0:2 ~ 3.5:5) |>
  split_by(Humour.mean, 2:2.5 ~ 3:5) |>
  control_for(Length, 0:0) |>
  control_for(Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK, -0.2:0.2) |>
## Generated 1/25 (4%). 1 total iterations, 1.00 success rate.
Generated 2/25 (8%). 2 total iterations, 1.00 success rate.
Generated 4/25 (16%). 16 total iterations, 0.25 success rate.
Generated 5/25 (20%). 18 total iterations, 0.28 success rate.
Generated 6/25 (24%). 22 total iterations, 0.27 success rate.
Generated 8/25 (32%). 25 total iterations, 0.32 success rate.
Generated 9/25 (36%). 26 total iterations, 0.35 success rate.
Generated 10/25 (40%). 27 total iterations, 0.37 success rate.
Generated 11/25 (44%). 28 total iterations, 0.39 success rate.
Generated 12/25 (48%). 30 total iterations, 0.40 success rate.
Generated 14/25 (56%). 36 total iterations, 0.39 success rate.
Generated 15/25 (60%). 37 total iterations, 0.41 success rate.
Generated 16/25 (64%). 38 total iterations, 0.42 success rate.
Generated 18/25 (72%). 40 total iterations, 0.45 success rate.
Generated 19/25 (76%). 41 total iterations, 0.46 success rate.
Generated 20/25 (80%). 44 total iterations, 0.45 success rate.
Generated 21/25 (84%). 45 total iterations, 0.47 success rate.
Generated 22/25 (88%). 46 total iterations, 0.48 success rate.
Generated 24/25 (96%). 50 total iterations, 0.48 success rate.
Generated 25/25 (100%). 51 total iterations, 0.49 success rate.

We can view a quick summary of our stimuli with the plot_design() function.


Here is the list of stimuli generated for the design of visual sensorimotor ratings (A: A1 low, A2 high) by humour ratings (B: B1 low, B2 high), controlling for word length and frequency.

item_nr A1_B1 A1_B2 A2_B1 A2_B2 match_null
1 sternum stinker forceps scrotum A2_B2
2 intrigue prostate skylight sheepdog A2_B2
3 brunt whiff havoc chimp A2_B1
4 query yodel specs husky A2_B1
5 penance bullion imprint charade A2_B2
6 whimper ragtime fielder panties A1_B1
7 angst oomph lilac bulge A2_B1
8 buffer tingle skater pounce A1_B1
9 creed clunk leech putty A1_B1
10 credence gumption smuggler coupling A2_B2
11 colic bebop miser dingo A1_B1
12 calm joke moon shit A1_B1
13 omen boon info mutt A2_B1
14 gust funk scab ogre A2_B2
15 germ jinx bead boob A1_B2
16 creak nymph pecan smirk A1_B1
17 gossip jingle rowing donkey A1_B1
18 anthem squawk anchor cookie A2_B1
19 rap wit dam bra A1_B2
20 mere tang lace zoom A2_B1
21 aura whim font tutu A1_B2
22 sinus chirp lapel gourd A1_B2
23 tempo fluke miner pixie A2_B2
24 gripe hooky rotor girth A1_B2
25 fore burp halo hoof A1_B2

Citing Sources

The cite_design() function is useful for suggesting papers that you should cite having generated your stimuli. Note that for variables LexOPS does not know, while the variable will be suggested as something that needs citing, you will have to find the citation yourself.

## Please also cite LexOPS: Taylor, Beith and Sereno (2020),
var measure source url
Visual.mean Custom Measure Custom Source Unknown
Humour.mean Custom Measure Custom Source Unknown
Length Length (Number of Characters) NA NA
Zipf.SUBTLEX_UK Frequency in Zipf (Zipf=log10(frequency per million)+3) SUBTLEX-UK (van Heuven, Mandera, Keuleers, & Brysbaert, 2014)